
Showing posts from June, 2024

Living In Gratitude

 In my opinion,  our purpose is reviled through our adversities. The things that drive us to put our best foot forward, eliminate negativity, seek wisdom and to pay attention are the sources to reaching our greatest potential. I want to be the best me that I can be and strive to be that daily. I have checkins regularly with my community of friends and family who serve as coaches, encouragers, supporters and consolers. We all fight together to help each other obtain the goals that they seek to accomplish. I share my story in hopes to inspire someone to keep reaching, keep striving, keep taking the next step in accomplishing what they've set out to do. This week I received some life changing news. Good NEWS. My biopsy showed that I am officially 100% my donors marrow. I am now B+ blood type from A+. Along with that there is no sign of disease of any form. I have been given a fresh start and it is my duty and honor to share my story. Much love Never Quit,

Experience with the No

 Let's face it. We don't do things or attempts things to hear no upon completion. In regard to applying to a school, getting a book published, a movie sold, or simply asking someone for a favor hearing no does not feel great. Fortunately there is positive news that comes from hearing the word no. In my line of business and throughout my journey battling cancer I have heard the word no hundreds if not thousands of times. I'm pretty sure it's closer to thousands. I've heard it so much that the pain though at times still peers its head, for the most part doesn't exist. I've taken the no's and turned them into not yet's. You see I'm living proof that the no's are leading to yeses if you just persist. My motto is, NEVER QUIT. I follow my heart and intuition. I know what I want out of life and I have graciously asked. I've asked out loud at times and I've learned that if I continue to work hard towards my goals and follow the signs, I will

Follow The Signs

 This year I have taken it upon myself to read the bible from start to finish. I was raised in a predominately Christian setting as my father was a devout Methodist. My mother, on the other hand, is Jewish and brought to my upbringing many cultural traditions and historic information as well. I myself was open to both learnings and embraced the beauty of faith and creation. In my thirties I became fascinated with the teachings of the Buddha. Once again being open to the possibilities of people having different faiths and practices and not being wrong or right. One thing that allowed this freedom in thought was when my father once told me, "How can I judge people who's religion was around thousands of years before mine?" I'll always love and admire him for that even though there was no doubt who his savior was. Circling back to my journey of the bible, it's almost like a journey in finding my faith. I talk a lot about manifesting and following the signs. Just recen

Duty over Desire

Is there that something in life? That something that you just can't shake no matter how many other things you've created to occupy your mind and time? Some say that's your true passion and others will say that it's your duty. I've mentioned many times before that part of my daily routine throughout my journey battling cancer and going through 3 transplants was to read stories about those who overcame extreme adversity as well as those who not only survived but thrived while battling a life threatening disease. These stories along with my community of family, friends, doctors and faith brought me through extraordinarily tough times. Thus, though it is my passion to inspire, it is my duty to share my story and to add to the many that have inspired and encouraged me in hopes that my story will also give hope to others in the fight.  Much Love Never Quit