Living In Gratitude

 In my opinion,  our purpose is reviled through our adversities. The things that drive us to put our best foot forward, eliminate negativity, seek wisdom and to pay attention are the sources to reaching our greatest potential. I want to be the best me that I can be and strive to be that daily. I have checkins regularly with my community of friends and family who serve as coaches, encouragers, supporters and consolers. We all fight together to help each other obtain the goals that they seek to accomplish. I share my story in hopes to inspire someone to keep reaching, keep striving, keep taking the next step in accomplishing what they've set out to do. This week I received some life changing news. Good NEWS. My biopsy showed that I am officially 100% my donors marrow. I am now B+ blood type from A+. Along with that there is no sign of disease of any form. I have been given a fresh start and it is my duty and honor to share my story.

Much love

Never Quit,


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