

Many words I've written were lost during the transition to this new site. I apologize to all that may have found inspiration in those words and I hope that the continuation of my story will serve as inspiration as well. For those who are unaware, in a nutshell, I have been battling cancer since my stage 4 diagnosis in 2010. I am still unaware of how long I had it while undetected. In 2011 I had a stem cell transplant and since then I've undergone numerous chemo treatments, an immunotherapy trial and in January of this year, I received a CarTcell Transplant. This too was a trial and I am happy to say that it was successful. After being on a waiting list, that was extended due to Covid, I was able to receive the transplant and get into full remission for the first time in six years. 

Cancer is not who I am but it certainly has shaped me into the man I have become. Before cancer I was living a face paced life, working my way through a spotty acting and modeling career. The jobs I booked were big jobs and I was able to work in foreign countries and with talented actors and athletes that I admired from afar but the consistency was lacking. I was so focused on the next job that many times I would miss out on opportunities, unrelated to the entertainment industry, that may have given me the fulfillment that I sought after. When cancer hit, life slowed down. So much so that I was eventually able to look within and see that I had more to offer. I began to write and within six years I published two books of poetry with a third on its way. I played five years of division 1 football at Duke University and with my sports background along with the joy I receive inspiring others, I created a fitness company.

For the last 7 years, Charles Porter Health and Fitness has been a beacon of inspiration to those not only trying to obtain peak fitness but also to those that have suffered trauma, whether physical, mental or emotional. As I continue to help those reach their goals in life and push through to the top of whatever mountain they are climbing, opportunities to create are still abound. Which brings me to the creation of Black Bench Productions. Duke University and the friendships I made while attending are so meaningful to me. During my time there as well as many years before and after I left, there was a stone bench on the main quad where students of color would fellowship. We would catch up on classes, the latest gossip, or simply stop to have a laugh. All races and religions were welcome but it was known as The Black Bench. Since I have so many special memories on and around that bench with so many people, I named my production company as such. Now all the films that are made under that banner tie in anyone that was around during those days of The Black Bench and I hope that it can serve as a reminder of good times to all who had the experience. Our first film, A Miracle Before Christmas, will be released this Dec 8th on BET+ and on Dec 23rd on BET. 

Much love and Never Quit


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