Experience with the No

 Let's face it. We don't do things or attempts things to hear no upon completion. In regard to applying to a school, getting a book published, a movie sold, or simply asking someone for a favor hearing no does not feel great. Fortunately there is positive news that comes from hearing the word no. In my line of business and throughout my journey battling cancer I have heard the word no hundreds if not thousands of times. I'm pretty sure it's closer to thousands. I've heard it so much that the pain though at times still peers its head, for the most part doesn't exist. I've taken the no's and turned them into not yet's. You see I'm living proof that the no's are leading to yeses if you just persist. My motto is, NEVER QUIT. I follow my heart and intuition. I know what I want out of life and I have graciously asked. I've asked out loud at times and I've learned that if I continue to work hard towards my goals and follow the signs, I will eventually create the yes. Take control. Much love and Never Quit. 


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