
Showing posts from July, 2024

Who Is Choosing You?

I remember when I was told by my father that I would be lucky if I had five true friends in life. I was young. Twelve or thirteen, I was just old enough to think I knew it all but fortunately smart enough to listen and store the information. I trusted him and though the number of friends has exceeded his experience, I understand the sentiments. My dad went straight into the armed services at 18 where I took a more fluid and exotic path. One minute here and the next I'm there and thus I met more people who were attractive in mindset, character and of course, at times, physique. Over the years I've become quite the collector of great friends but ever more importantly those friends CHOSE ME. I have worked on myself since I can remember. Always checking in and trying to be a better person than I was the day before and thus making myself a more attractive candidate for friendship. I love my friends and will do anything that I can to help them reach any goal, traverse through any sto

Rolling The Dice

What does it really mean to live each day like it's your last? How close have you come to living your last day? Many know the answer. I've been told that I was close and God and Universe know that I am grateful for each second that has been granted since. But, if I try, I can go back within certain situations that made me feel like I need to get something done or spend more time with certain folks with a little more urgency. I hold on to those feelings as a constant reminder to not waste time and to be present in the moments when I'm enjoying myself as well as when I am being challenged. LIFE. It has its ups and downs but we all know that at one time or another we will go onto the next realm, whatever that may be for you. So go for it. Live out your dreams. Take a chance and ROLL THE DICE, as my mother always says. For tomorrow is not promised. I want to live a life where I can say I tried my best and left it all on the court, field, rink, stage or what have you. I do not w

Brainwashed For Greatness

Many of my entries talk about finding a why. I myself used my why's, my wife, my kids, friends and family to inspire me to move forward with optimism throughout my journey battling cancer. In addition to the why I've put a phrase to what I've been consciously doing which is part of the reason why I keep my why in the forefront of all that I do. Most of the books that I've read and the one's on the to read list all have similarities in that they inspire. "Radical Remission", tells stories of people who were told by their doctors to go home and get your affairs in order and yet ten years later they are still here and living a healthy, cancer free life. This book gives hope. "The True Power of Water", talks about the power of positive words and thoughts towards water crystals and their formation and color results. "The Obstacle is The Way", talks about turning a challenge into an opportunity. The list goes on and on. I will talk about the

Imagine the impossible and then GO FOR IT!!!

The old saying, "if you can see it and believe then you can achieve it", reigns true and the proof is in the pudding. Each day I write down and say my mantras of positivity, growth and gratitude. We got the news that the Bone Marrow Transplant was successful in that I am 100% my donor's marrow and blood type and I feel strong and healthy. The journey has been extensive and at times difficult and yet we experienced so much positivity and joy throughout. The pain and mistakes create wisdom when a lesson is learned. My vision and focus are pinpoint. I believe that the things that I see and want to happen in my life are happening. I see them happening. I am grateful that they are happening. I am cured. I am happy. I am healthy. I am rich. Much Love and Never Quit.