Rolling The Dice

What does it really mean to live each day like it's your last? How close have you come to living your last day? Many know the answer. I've been told that I was close and God and Universe know that I am grateful for each second that has been granted since. But, if I try, I can go back within certain situations that made me feel like I need to get something done or spend more time with certain folks with a little more urgency. I hold on to those feelings as a constant reminder to not waste time and to be present in the moments when I'm enjoying myself as well as when I am being challenged. LIFE. It has its ups and downs but we all know that at one time or another we will go onto the next realm, whatever that may be for you. So go for it. Live out your dreams. Take a chance and ROLL THE DICE, as my mother always says. For tomorrow is not promised. I want to live a life where I can say I tried my best and left it all on the court, field, rink, stage or what have you. I do not want to be left saying, I wish I tried this that or the other but was too scared. I believe in you if you believe in you. Manifest. Much love and Never Quit., 


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