
Showing posts from May, 2024

Need Vs. Want

 I need. I need. What do I actually need? I need good health in order do my daily responsibilities as a husband, father, and contributing member to society. I have taken upon myself, really doing me best, to think about the repercussions of all actions, statements and thoughts. I believe this would be common for those who have faced life threatening diseases and such. I thought I needed a lot. I want to excel in all that I do. I do my best to produce my best work. My fields of work are lucrative when one does well. Then comes the decision to trick yourself into knowing that it feels better to have the money to be able to buy the commerce but not buying it anyway. 

Great Work Slips Through The Cracks

 We have heard the saying, "by any means necessary." A phrase used, in many cases, to change the hands of time. This phrase is used as a motivating force to cause action. Art is a Verb. A mentor of mine once told me this and it has stuck and it has propelled and now I share it with you. Share your work, talk about your work, work on your work consistently. If you do not then the work will, slip through the cracks. Much Love and Never Quit. 

When Progress Doesn't Feel Like Progress

 Those who watch sports understand momentum and runs. How many times have we seen a team start out like they are going to run the other team right out of the stadium. Everything they do seems to work and then one foul, one strike out, one fumble and things take an extreme turn in favor of the other team. All of a sudden, the other team has all of the momentum and now the lead. Now the great teams understand that this is now their turn to embrace the change in tide. Dig deep and remember that you have been here before. All that you had inside you to get out to that lead you once had, is still within you. Now it's time to find that second and third gear. If you are physically tired then use your mind. The phone rings. It's a sign. Listen to the Universe. Make the next move. Bingo. Momentum back to you, and now you must finish the drill.  Much love and Never Quit. 

Keeping hope alive!

 Battling. I know all about it. What is my why? How do I continue to bounce back? Where does the strength and courage come from to believe that today will be the best day of all time? How did we know that Michael Jordan would hit the game winning shot? How did we know that Kobe would knock down the free throw or that Tiger would sink the chip shot to secure the victory at the Masters? We knew that they were great but many of us also knew about the hours, days, years of hard work that they put into their crafts. The same shots taken in practice over and over again so that when the game or the match was on the line, their bodies and minds were so well tuned and brainwashed that there was never a doubt. I brainwash the doubt away. Time after time throughout life we set our goals, we have convictions that we will attain them and without question there will be adversities along the way. We hear about the stories of those that continue to fight and overcome those adversities. There are m...

Eating More Frogs

 Brian Tracy writes about handling your toughest task of the day head on and right out of the gate. Eating the frog is the metaphor that he uses and it is doing just that. We all know the feeling of putting off what needs to be done while doing remedial task to keep us "busy". All the while not making any true progress to improving the business, cleaning the garage out, writing the book, working out etc. Just by doing the hardest task, eating the biggest frog, frees the mind, sets the tone and generates the most momentum to accomplishing your greatest dreams. So set a place at the table, pull up a chair, look that frog in the eyes and let him know why you are here, lol, I may have gone too far. You get the gist. Get after it. What you put your mind to can and will be achieved. Nothing is impossible. Never Quit.