When Progress Doesn't Feel Like Progress
Those who watch sports understand momentum and runs. How many times have we seen a team start out like they are going to run the other team right out of the stadium. Everything they do seems to work and then one foul, one strike out, one fumble and things take an extreme turn in favor of the other team. All of a sudden, the other team has all of the momentum and now the lead. Now the great teams understand that this is now their turn to embrace the change in tide. Dig deep and remember that you have been here before. All that you had inside you to get out to that lead you once had, is still within you. Now it's time to find that second and third gear. If you are physically tired then use your mind. The phone rings. It's a sign. Listen to the Universe. Make the next move. Bingo. Momentum back to you, and now you must finish the drill.
Much love and Never Quit.
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