Eating More Frogs

 Brian Tracy writes about handling your toughest task of the day head on and right out of the gate. Eating the frog is the metaphor that he uses and it is doing just that. We all know the feeling of putting off what needs to be done while doing remedial task to keep us "busy". All the while not making any true progress to improving the business, cleaning the garage out, writing the book, working out etc. Just by doing the hardest task, eating the biggest frog, frees the mind, sets the tone and generates the most momentum to accomplishing your greatest dreams. So set a place at the table, pull up a chair, look that frog in the eyes and let him know why you are here, lol, I may have gone too far. You get the gist. Get after it. What you put your mind to can and will be achieved. Nothing is impossible. Never Quit. 


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