When Fatigue Sets In

As I watch the Olympics there is one thing that I see that all of the participants have in common. Not only do they have a second gear but many times, in the final stretch, we see the world's premiere athletes dig deeper to a third gear that pushes them out in front in hopes of hoisting a GOLD MEDAL. We see the finished product or the product in the prime of its sports career. I say product but I mean it as a symbol pertaining to any finished accomplishment, a film, a book, a car, an app, a new invention or an athlete, that has been seen by the world that has changed the game. The iPhone, Michael Jordan, sliced bread all took many years, tens of thousands of hours of hard work and thought and trial and error and failure to become what they are today. I'm not sure about sliced bread but I can assure you that the other two didn't just happen. I say that to say that I have witnessed this in my journey. Not only in the battle with cancer and three transplants, but with my film career. Going out for audition after audition, sometimes hundreds at a time before landing one, yet never giving up my dream. My dream was so real and obtainable to me and I am so committed to accomplishing it that not even my diagnosis would keep me from it. More than once I have been mid treatment or in between treatments while on a project. At times suffering but mostly loving every second of it not matter the pain or the prognosis because I love it. Commit to what you love, Believe in your dreams. Put in the hours of work and NEVER QUIT. Much love BRAINWASHED FOR GREATNESS coming soon. 


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