Let The Spirit Move You

We all will suffer. That is the human experience. Happy days should be enjoyed as if they are the greatest days of all time. Imagine. The teacher says that your child is a great delight to have in class. That feels so good right? What if you just let that moment pass because that is what you expect of your child. Then you miss the moment and just like that it's gone and the child is now walking the graduation stage and heading off to the real world where no one will ever say that your kid is such a delight to have in class again. And if they do it won't hit the same. One example of many times that we pass up the opportunity to truly lap up the joy and excitement of a moment. It hurts sometimes to think about the moments that have come and gone. The people who have left the earth as I know it. I miss my dad and his voice and his criticism and his laugh and his vibe. I even miss the protection that he gave me in my times of need. I'm a grown man now with my own family and now they look to me how I looked to him. That's wild. I watched Taylor Swift in concert on a kindle tonight with my four year old and I watched my daughter perform her own choreography to the songs. My daughter did her thing but I pray I never forget this moment. I pray that I can hold onto the memory of her surprise when I sat next to her and took interest in what she was interested in and our interaction that followed. "Daddy you like Taylor Swift too?" Yeah baby. Tonight she's everything. As long as I'm in your world and your are in mine. I didn't say that but shortly thereafter I was doing costume changes. The best part of course were the cuddles. Life is short. Let it all sink in. The good and bad. The hard and the easy. The joy and the pain. Feel it all and let the spirit take you. Much Love - Never Quit- Brainwashed For Greatness


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