
Committed to the Commitment

 I look at the journey of those that I admire. How does one continue to pursue their goals no matter what obstacles come their way? Like any muscle we must work the mind to continue to show up. When we can only go half speed, show up and go half speed. Sometimes it's simply good enough to just be present. Unable to lift weights or run, I would still show up to the gym and simply stretch when recovering from a bone marrow transplant. Going into the transplant, it being my third, I was positive and grateful for the chance to be cured. I set my mantra and bought in repeating daily. I committed to the commitment. The results will be what they will be but with a commitment you will 100% grow.  Much Love. Never Quit. Brainwashed For Greatness. 

Finishing The Drill

  Finding Faith Deadline Hollywood Yesterday we wrapped principal photography on a feature that I came across in April. The writing had me in the first ten pages and I began to call those that I knew who could help this vision come to fruition. Everyday since I have been working to finish the drill. Yesterday we wrapped principal photography on the feature, Finding Faith and I am so grateful. We saw it, We believed and We achieved it. Never Quit. Much Love. Brainwashed for Greatness. 

Dreams Become Reality

Today was the first day of shooting on a feature film that my friend of over 20 years and I have set out to conquer. Lazrael Lison, Director and Writer and I have done many projects together over that time but this one feels different. On our last project, Christmas Angel, I was prepping for a bone barrow transplant. I was literally going from the hospital chair in the infusion clinic to the set. Sometimes forgetting to remove the bracelet but determined to finish the job. This time, Black Bench Productions and Summer House Pictures are in full health and I am so grateful. Lazrael and I have shared our dreams with each other and have put the work in to bring us to this point. Impossible is Nothing. Much Love. Never Quit. Brain Washed For Greatness.  

Let The Spirit Move You

We all will suffer. That is the human experience. Happy days should be enjoyed as if they are the greatest days of all time. Imagine. The teacher says that your child is a great delight to have in class. That feels so good right? What if you just let that moment pass because that is what you expect of your child. Then you miss the moment and just like that it's gone and the child is now walking the graduation stage and heading off to the real world where no one will ever say that your kid is such a delight to have in class again. And if they do it won't hit the same. One example of many times that we pass up the opportunity to truly lap up the joy and excitement of a moment. It hurts sometimes to think about the moments that have come and gone. The people who have left the earth as I know it. I miss my dad and his voice and his criticism and his laugh and his vibe. I even miss the protection that he gave me in my times of need. I'm a grown man now with my own family and now

When Fatigue Sets In

As I watch the Olympics there is one thing that I see that all of the participants have in common. Not only do they have a second gear but many times, in the final stretch, we see the world's premiere athletes dig deeper to a third gear that pushes them out in front in hopes of hoisting a GOLD MEDAL. We see the finished product or the product in the prime of its sports career. I say product but I mean it as a symbol pertaining to any finished accomplishment, a film, a book, a car, an app, a new invention or an athlete, that has been seen by the world that has changed the game. The iPhone, Michael Jordan, sliced bread all took many years, tens of thousands of hours of hard work and thought and trial and error and failure to become what they are today. I'm not sure about sliced bread but I can assure you that the other two didn't just happen. I say that to say that I have witnessed this in my journey. Not only in the battle with cancer and three transplants, but with my film

Who Is Choosing You?

I remember when I was told by my father that I would be lucky if I had five true friends in life. I was young. Twelve or thirteen, I was just old enough to think I knew it all but fortunately smart enough to listen and store the information. I trusted him and though the number of friends has exceeded his experience, I understand the sentiments. My dad went straight into the armed services at 18 where I took a more fluid and exotic path. One minute here and the next I'm there and thus I met more people who were attractive in mindset, character and of course, at times, physique. Over the years I've become quite the collector of great friends but ever more importantly those friends CHOSE ME. I have worked on myself since I can remember. Always checking in and trying to be a better person than I was the day before and thus making myself a more attractive candidate for friendship. I love my friends and will do anything that I can to help them reach any goal, traverse through any sto

Rolling The Dice

What does it really mean to live each day like it's your last? How close have you come to living your last day? Many know the answer. I've been told that I was close and God and Universe know that I am grateful for each second that has been granted since. But, if I try, I can go back within certain situations that made me feel like I need to get something done or spend more time with certain folks with a little more urgency. I hold on to those feelings as a constant reminder to not waste time and to be present in the moments when I'm enjoying myself as well as when I am being challenged. LIFE. It has its ups and downs but we all know that at one time or another we will go onto the next realm, whatever that may be for you. So go for it. Live out your dreams. Take a chance and ROLL THE DICE, as my mother always says. For tomorrow is not promised. I want to live a life where I can say I tried my best and left it all on the court, field, rink, stage or what have you. I do not w